Te whakahihiko i te anamata o Aotearoa

E whakawhanake ana a Ventus i ngā pāmu hau e ono e hou ana ki Te Tai Tokerau.

Ka pātata te tū ki ngā wāhi e nui ana te hiahiatia o te hiko, ā, mā ngā pūrere whakaputa hiko hou rawa atu a Ventus e tuku te 2,600 GWh o te hiko whakahou i ia tau, e iti nei te utu, hei whakahiko i ngā tāone nui me ngā ahumahi, haere ake nei.

Ko ā mātou kiritaki, he kaihoko hiko, he kaiwhakanao, he pūtahi raraunga me ētahi atu e hiahia ana ki te pūngao tē tūkino taiao, e iti ana te tukuwaro, e hāngai ana ōna utu ki ō ētahi pakihi taurite, e tutuki ai ā rātou whāinga ā-pakihi me te whai hoki kia toitū.

Nau mai hei hoa haere mō mātou.

About Ventus​

New Zealand needs 1,100 GWh of new renewable generation annually for the next 30 years to electrify its energy consumption and meet its emissions targets. Ventus is bringing 2,600 GWh over five years. 

Ventus will be the lowest-cost and lowest-carbon electricity producer in New Zealand’s in-deficit power market. 

New Zealand is amongst the world’s most suitable locations for wind generation but has one of the lowest penetrations of wind, at less than 10% of capacity.  

The upper North Island, which uses 30% of NZ’s electricity and has the highest power prices, is served by only one operational wind farm. Most planned new generation is solar. 

Ventus’ wind farm locations and generation profiles will meet demand during daily and seasonal peaks. Wind complements hydropower, which supplies 57% of New Zealand’s electricity. 

Wind also has the least embodied carbon of any form of generation besides nuclear and is consistently the most cost-efficient source of power. 

By adding competitive, renewable generation when and where it is needed most, Ventus will contribute meaningfully to global environmental goals and help build a brighter future for generations to come.

Te tiaki i te taiao me ngā hapori

Ko Aotearoa tō tātou whenua tupu. Ki ō mātou whakaaro, kāore he mahi whakahirahira ake i te whakatupu tonutanga o te whenua nei mō ā tātou tamariki.

I tua atu i te whakakore tukuwaro me te urupare i te huringa āhuarangi ki te pūngao tē tūkino taiao, kua nui ake i te $2 miriona te tukunga a Ventus ki ngā kaupapa e aro ana ki te mātai hauropi, ki te hapori, ki te ahurea hoki i te rohe o Waitomo i tā mātou pāmu hau tuatahi i Aotearoa.

He haepapa te tiaki i ngā manu taketake pērā i te pekapeka (long-tailed bat) me hāpai e tātou katoa ka tika. Koinei te take e tuku pūtea ana a Ventus ki te rangahau pekapeka, ki te tautoko hoki i ngā kaupapa e kīrearea-kore ai a Aotearoa.

E whakaaro nui ana a Ventus ki ngā pānga me ngā wawata o te tangata whenua ki te anamata. E manarū ana mātou ki te mahi tahi me te tangata whenua i ngā wāhi katoa e mahi ai mātou.

Ka kohia e ngā pāmu hau te rawa māori e mutunga kore ana, arā, te kaha o Raka-maomao, hei whakaputa hiko hei whakamahinga mā tātou katoa i runga i te utu ka taea. Ka hāpai hoki ngā pāmu hau i te kaitiakitanga mā te whakakore i te tukuwaro, mā te whakaiti i ngā pānga o te huringa āhuarangi, mā te iti hoki o ngā pānga ki te whenua.

E kitea ai he pārongo anō mō ngā painga o ngā pāmu hau, tirohia:

Te whakaputanga ki mua

E ono ngā pāmu hau e hou ana, e whā ngā wāhi papai, e 2,600 GWh i te tau

E haumi ana a Ventus i te NZ$1.6 piriona hei whakatū i ngā pāmu hau e hou rawa atu ana, i ngā wā-hanganga e ono, i ngā wāhi papai e whā o Te Tai Tokerau.

Ka tīmata ngā mahi hanga hei a Hānuere 2026, ā, ka rere ngā whakahaere atu i te tau 2027.

Taumatatotara 840131Hangatiki
Kaimai 19152430Waihou
Glen Massey I 24192624Huntly
Glen Massey II17136442Huntly
Mamaku I 21168546Tarukenga/Lichfield
Mamaku II18144468Kinleith/Edgcumbe

Our people


Glenn Starr
Te Kaiwhakahaere Matua
Te Kaiwhakatū me te Kaihautū Whanaketanga.
Kua whakawhanakehia e Glenn ngā pāmu hau i Airani, ā, nāna a Electric Autobus i whakatū. I whakaterea tana waka ki te ao mahi hei pūhanga ki Beca.
BEng Civil Canterbury


Ross Newman
Te Kaiwhakahaere Pūtea

I mahi a Ross i te ao o te tahua ā-kaupapa me ngā mākete pūrawa i te pēke o Deutsche i mua i tana āwhina ki te whakatū i tētahi whakahaere hangarau pūtaiao ā-nuku me ōna ratonga. I whakaterea tana waka ki te ao mahi ki PWC.
MBA Columbia


Justin Smith
Te Kaihautū Hangarau (Technical Director)

Neke atu i te 30 tau te roa o Justin e mahi ana i te ao pēhanga metarahi. I whakaterea tana waka ki te ao mahi ki Beca.
BEng Civil Canterbury


Hamish Orrick
Te Kaihautū Tahua (Financial Director)
Kua neke atu i te 30 tau te roa o Hamish e mahi ana i ngā kaupapa e pā ana ki te tahua me te whakahaere tūraru, ki CSFB me Goldman Sachs hoki mō tētahi wā.
CA, BCom Auckland

david nw

David Thomas
Power Marketing Director

David is former General Manager of Trading at Vector and General Manager, Generation at Contact Energy.
BEng Chem. Canterbury


Stephen Craen
Te Kaitohutohu Mātāmua mō te Pūtea
I mahi a Stephen ki Chase Manhattan, ki Société Generale hoki i mua; i reira ia e tū ana hei hoa-kaiwhakahaere i te wāhanga pūngao o te pēke mō te Rāwhiti Waenga me Āwherika ki te Raki.
BA Physics Oxford

Delivering strong returns for investors

Ventus Energy is a privately held power generation development company incorporated in New Zealand.

We welcome enquires regarding long-term investments in wind generation assets.

Investing in New Zealand

Electricity in New Zealand

Ventus’ future Kaimai Wind Farm: 152MW capacity, 430 GWh/year of power generation.

Wind power in New Zealand

Whakapā mai

Ventus Group
12 Madden Street
Auckland 1010
New Zealand

Te hapori, ngā tūranga mahi me ngā kaupapa whānui

Ngā pātai mō te whakatairanga i te hiko

Ngā pātai mō te tahua

Copyright 2025 Ventus Energy (NZ)