New Zealand needs 1,100 GWh of new renewable generation annually for the next 30 years to electrify its energy consumption and meet its emissions targets. Ventus is bringing 2,600 GWh over five years. 

About Ventus

Ventus will be the lowest-cost and lowest-carbon electricity producer in New Zealand’s in-deficit power market. 

New Zealand is amongst the world’s most suitable locations for wind generation but has one of the lowest penetrations of wind, at less than 10% of capacity.  

The upper North Island, which uses 30% of NZ’s electricity and has the highest power prices, is served by only one operational wind farm. Most planned new generation is solar. 

Ventus’ wind farm locations and generation profiles will meet demand during daily and seasonal peaks. Wind complements hydropower, which supplies 57% of New Zealand’s electricity. 

Wind also has the least embodied carbon of any form of generation besides nuclear and is consistently the most cost-efficient source of power. 

By adding competitive, renewable generation when and where it is needed most, Ventus will contribute meaningfully to global environmental goals and help build a brighter future for generations to come.